About Our Company
The history of Electropivdenmontazh LLC dates back to April 1999 (from the date of its registration).
The basis for the enterprise was the experience of specialists of the company who worked in the former All-Union trust “Electropivdenmontazh”, the largest enterprise for the installation and adjustment of electrical equipment, automation systems for thermal and nuclear power plants, as well as the largest industrial enterprises of the former Soviet union.
During the years of work a team of experienced specialists in the field of energy construction has been formed, who periodically undergo training on installation and adjustment of imported and domestic equipment, and also undergo periodic knowledge testing at the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and the international ISO system.

The conclusion of the examination of the labor protection
Declaration on Occupational Safety to the permit
Permit 177.18.30 (ETL)
Security Certificate
Certificate of Compliance of the measurement systems with the state standards of the Ukraine
ISO certificates
Fire license
Fire license:
Abstract Fire License Reference
License Order
Review_10 R NPP dated 19.10.2018
Review_9 R NPP dated 19.10.2018
Review_8 R NPP dated 19.10.2018
Review_7 R NPP dated 19.10.2018
Review_6 R NPP dated 19.10.2018
Review_5 R NPP dated 19.10.2018
Review_4 R NPP dated 19.10.2018
Review_3 R NPP dated 19.10.2018
Review_2 R NPP dated 19.10.2018
Review_1 R NPP dated 19.10.2018
Review_1 CHP Poltavagazbydobuvannya dated 26.05.2017
Review_2 CHP Poltavagazbydobuvannya dated 26.05.2017
Review of PU NPP dated 17.12.2015
Review of PU NPP dated 01.03.2017
Review Reconstruction of the Nikas restaurant in Kharkiv dated 14.03.2017
Review of Zmiivska TPP dated 5.07.2018
Review of Zmiivska TPP dated 26.11.2018
Review of DTEK Prydniprovska TPP dated10.07.2018
Review of Dnіstrovska PSP 2014
Review of Dnіstrovska PSP dated 18.02.2016
Review of Dnіstrovska PSP dated 17.02.2016
Work in the energy field for more than 20 years.
Continuous development of personnel in the field of new developments of leading manufacturers of equipment and programs.
Application of modern work and technology approaches.